Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Zodiac Intervention

So okay when I decided to do this blog the idea was that I would pick the 10 top bestselling self-help books (according to read and following them to perfect self-help happiness ***big smile with twinkle and string music playing ***

I was going to start with a book for healthy living because big surprise I am athlete and supermodel (minus the protruding I- haven't-eating-anything-but-lettuce-in-years bones and angry face) held hostage in couch potato-Wendy's loving body. So here is the problem I did not account for the fact that my inner procrastinator (I call her Tammy) was going to take this opportunity to sit on her ass and reach for a chocolate frosty and remote...oops. Add to this that as of last night I have successful done the impossible *** drum roll please*** Yes I have killed a Honda. A Honda Accord to be exact! I have killed the only car that will probably still be on the road when the rest of the planet is flying around in hover cars. The Terminator of cars and I manage to break mine. My mechanic is in awe.

So factoring in Tammy's uncooperation, my dead Honda, and my confirmed reservations for 1 to the pity- party, clearly the idea of happiness and self-improve are on a distance horizon that I have no intention of heading towards because I have been wallowing with a capital WALLOW.

However just before I decided to institute my self-pity chocolate hibernation plan I thought I would check out my never know maybe it would have some good advice on what chocolate I should take to the hibernation cave. Good advise such as "because Mars is in the third house you should take Snickers to the cave of self-pity because they will travel well and are good for humid climates."

But alas there was no chocolaty advise this is what I got instead:

"Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) The Sun and Venus are activating your Sixth House
of work and service, keeping you preoccupied with the mundane details.
Establishing healthy routines may not sound terribly sexy, but could be key to
attracting a new romance or improving a current partnership. Doing what makes
you feel good on a regular basis boosts your self-esteem and enhances your

It seems like either:
A.) the universe wants me to follow through with my plan
B.) my mother has learned how to post information on the Internet

Uh ok it is probably "A" since my mother can barely check her email. It seems like the universe is holding an intervention just for me (aren't the lucky one). I guess I cannot argue with the universe... besides what is more healthy the walking? Which is what I will be doing until a can resurrect my car...sigh *** who hell kills a Honda? Frickin' Ridiculous!!!

Anyway we shall see. Gotta go and see if I can drag Tammy off of the couch.